Eat Organic!

It’s more expensive. The items rot faster. The fruits and veggies don’t look as vibrant and beautiful as the ones you see in the conventional foods section. So why should you eat organic? Here’s why…

Because conventional food are drenched in pesticides, toxins which are poisonous to our nervous systems. Check out the photo below. The men spraying our crops don full hazmat suits to get the job done! Take a moment to think about this. If the chemicals are so dangerous to the health of these men that they have to “bundle up” to do their jobs, how can they be considered safe for human consumption?

Easy answer: they’re not.

The issue is this: these pesticides penetrate the skins of softer fruits and veggies. You can soak, wash, scrub, and scrape, but you’ll never be able to get them off. They’ve penetrated the surface. You’re fucked!

You should know that pesticides are known to have a causal link in the following type of cancers: brain, bone, breast, ovarian, prostate, testicular, and liver. Stay away! In a study, performed by the National Cancer Institute, American farmers had increased incidences of these kinds of cancer. (full article here if you like to read the research:

Pesticides are now showing up in fetal cord blood, in newborn babies, which means their mothers are carrying heavy toxic burdens. These chemicals don’t biodegrade. They stick around in our soil and water.

So what can you do? Buy Organic. I know organic foods are more expensive, so if you’re on a tight budget, I’ll give you a tip. Avoid the EWG’s 2018 dirty dozen. These are the “dirtiest” fruits and veggies, tested this year. Avoid them like the plague. You can’t wash pesticides off these suckers. If you’re eating any of these foods, buy organic. (And a little tip from me. When I’m purchasing fruits and veggies, I consider their skins. Take raspberries, for example. Do I really think I can wash the pesticides from the soft skin of these berries? No. You get the idea…

EWG’s 2018 Dirty Dozen
Sweet Bell peppers
Hot Peppers

Stay safe!

Disclaimer: I’m not a medical doctor or professional. Just an avid reader with endless interest, and someone who likes to pay it forward.